

Flamenco guitar instruction/lessons

The flamenco guitar is a tradition, like flamenco dance and singing, which has accumulated a large variety of techniques from many individuals contributing their ideas over a long period of time. Many rhythmic ideas have been created to accompany dance. Similarly, chord progressions have been created to follow the singing, which is the origin of nearly, if not, all flamenco.

I help students ensure they are working from a solid foundation, or help them to establish one. This is usually accomplished by beginning with the simplest of technique studies, then those techniques are given the context of a song form which includes chords and rhythm.

Each student is unique and comes to me at their own individual stage of development. I gently assess where they are, and then develop a plan to help them on their path. I do, however, emphasize beginning with traditional flamenco song forms and the way they are presented in performance. This means becoming familiar with the singing and dance because these two aspects are very important in the way flamenco is presented and they provide the structural foundation to all flamenco song forms.

I can provide very clear information regarding music theory, chords, scales, and rhythm. I own many of the methods published about flamenco and I have a very good understanding of how flamenco works from experience, so I can work with a student on most aspects of playing flamenco guitar. I really have a ton of information at my disposal, and I can explain it well and even translate between Spanish and English in both directions depending on what is needed.

If you decide to inquire, I will have you agree to take either 2 or 4 lessons per month and payment will be due at the beginning of each month.

Feel free to contact me regarding lessons.